Subversion on Windows

I had to install Subversion on my home computer recently, and it has worked
really well so far. The Tortoise windows client makes checking in files
easy as it is integrated in Explorer.

I made some notes when I made the installation if anyone else wants to
try this software. Installing open source software can sometimes be a pain...
but this was quite easy.

Here is how I did:

Download and install Subversion-server
File: svn-1.4.2-setup.exe

Download and install Tortoise Subversion Windows client
File: TortoiseSVN-

Create a folder where you want to have your subversion repository.
I made a "d:\data\subversion" folder.

Install subversion as a Windows Service.
Open a command shell (cmd.exe) and type:

sc create svnserve binpath= "C:\Program Files\Subversion\bin\svnserve.exe --service --root d:\data\subversion" displayname= "Subversion" depend= tcpip start= auto

Note 1: make sure binpath points to your svnserve.exe-file, this is the default location.
Note 2: set your subversion-folder as the "root" parameter
Note 3: if there is an error, you can delete the service using "sc delete svnserve"

Start the "Subversion" service from the Windows-control panel.
("Control Panel\Administrative Tools\Services")

Open a Explorer.
Create a folder in your repository root. For instance "d:\data\subversion\Repo1"
Right-click on this new folder. You should now see the Tortoise shell extions menu items.
Select "Create a repository here". Choose "Native filesystem".
Files should now have been created in your repository-folder.

Create users for the repository, this is done by editing text-files:
Open the (your repository folder)\conf\svnserve.conf-file, uncomment password-tag
Open the (your repository folder)\conf\passwd file, add users and passwords

You are done!

To check that it is working, select "Repo browser" in the Tortoise-menu and choose
svn://localhost/Repo1 as server name (if your repository name is Repo1).

To add a existing project to this repository, right click on your project-folder and
select "Import" on the Tortoise menu. Then choose svn://localhost/Repo1 as the server.

To connect from another computer, simply install Tortoise and connect to svn://(your computer ip-adress)/Repo1

Some problems I had to work around:

- Windows Defender assumed Subversion was a spam-program.
I upgrading Windows Defender to the latest (non-beta) version, and that seemed to solve
the problem.

- Norton Firewall did not allow programs to talk to a local server.
Solution was to add as a "Trusted adress" in Firewall configuration.