If man is FIVE,.. .scr

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If man is FIVE,.. .scr

Post by jph_wacheski »

Here is a lo-rez ver. of a little screensaver I am building.,

it is a called PENTAGRAM and is based on the five sided geometric form,. .

I think it becomes and remaines visualy interesting. It is based on several oscilating values that due to their not oscilating on even numbers creates an endless, or apparently endless, sequence of video frames. . is nice to play while listening to music you like,. perhaps I will build some tunes to work with it,. or not. .,
640x480 .scr file,. .
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five lines rotating at 20 degrees,. with sounds..,

Post by jph_wacheski »

here it is with SOUND,. sort of a music part,. more like noise but i likes the noise! This time it is full 1280x1024 and is just an exe,. once I am sure im done with it I will make it availible in more formats,.

it is sorta endless,. but if you see the title again thats about it..,

music video,.
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Post by VilleK »

The audio surprised me a few times with introducing new little sounds after when I thought it was repeating. Nice procedural skills there jph :)
The graphics effect looks like the that lovely materialize player effect in your Gyro-Phyter game. Maybe you could play a bit with colors for variation and make it more 3d by rotating objects in all axis?
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Post by jph_wacheski »

thanks VilleK I was experimenting with using Animators on those cool realtime sound peramiters,. hence the feature request for the wandering Animators,. although I could see many uses for that.

I had tried loads of varying angles,. but for this Pentagram thing, I was trying to keep the five sided star figure present,. I do plan to do some more 'music video' type demos,. clitch techno, electro, industrial., so expect to see more of these,. although finding some sounds is tough,. I may have to resort to adding my own oscilators for sin waves as it is hard to get a good bass drum with out sin waves,. I just like to keep the exe files tinny,. I suppose if i just import a single cycle of the sin osc I need it should not be a problem,.

any plans to revisit the sound system? I would have liked to see an amount slider for the second osc,. and the envilopes dont seem to scale right when changing the length of a sound,. no biggy though.
Hay, another idea would be to have a seperate system to pre-generate more complex waves (something like drum synth; http://www.threechords.com/hammerhead/drumsynth.shtml ) to be used by a simple wave playing engine., i.e. static waves, no realtime sound changes,. well filters/delay would be nice,. anyhoo the possiblities are nearlly endless,. just thinking out loud.
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Post by VilleK »

The sin-wave should have been into the synth from the beginning but I couldn't find a good and compact example code for generating a sine-wave. Using standard fpu sin-function is too slow so you need a look-up table and interpolate. I could investigate this again now. But I also tried once to import a small sinewave and it seemed to work ok for making drum-sounds. The data can be very small like 100 samples, so it doesn't really add to the exe-size much.

About the second osc, you mean a slider for the amplitude/volume of the osc? That was planned too, can't remember why it isn't there. I'll take a look!
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more robo-muisc,.

Post by jph_wacheski »

here is another generative music piece,. for the procedural game compo at TIG.

just three sounds and some animators,. could be a good action sequence part,. i'll see how it works in hte game play over all,.

yeah a mix amount slider for the second osc,. so you can have noise from the first and the 2nd osc,. as it is you have to crank the level to get the noise lound enouph so if you add a second wave it blows out the levels! and yeah i have heard that clculating sin waves is cpu sucky so I will import single cycle ones,. it is about the same as having a precalcualted table any way,.
windowed 1024x768 just sounds and some sphears for testing,.
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