ZGameEditor 1.2.2: ActiveX

Information and change log about the latest ZGameEditor release.

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ZGameEditor 1.2.2: ActiveX

Post by VilleK »

Changes in 1.2.2 version:

* Fixed: Time is reset every time application is started in preview window. Previously applications that depended on that App.Time starts on zero did not work correct when previewed several times.

* Fixed: Assert-bug in editor should not appear any more.

* New property: "App.CameraPosition". Animate this property to make scrolling games!

* New feature: Experimental ActiveX-support for running applications inside Internet Explorer. See new menu item "Build and compress ActiveX" in project menu.
Known issues:
- The ActiveX-control is not signed. This means IE will not load it from internet unless the "Download unsigned ActiveX-controls" security setting is set to "Enable" or "Prompt". Obtaining a certificate for an ActiveX control costs $600. If enough people want to have this feature then maybe it can be purchased for the project by collective means.
- Ocx file size is currently over 200kb compressed. This can be much improved (shrinked) in future versions.
- Sometimes an errormessage occurs when loading the control. This is a bug I haven't found yet.
I'm not even sure if generating ActiveX-controls is a useful feature :-). But I found a way of implementing it so here it is if anyone wants to try it.

* + minor bugfixes

Download from here:


Use the new menu item...

...to build ocx and htm-files...

...which can be run inside Internet Explorer.
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