ZgeViz: New project!

Discuss the ZGameEditor Visualizer plugin for FL-Studio.

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ZgeViz: New project!

Post by VilleK »

A while ago I was contacted by the company Image-Line. Their main product FL-Studio is a program for making music and it's written in Delphi, so they were asking me if I had time to help with Delphi-development. I did a little bit of work for them and after that we got into a discussion about visualisers. One thing led to another, and soon the idea of using ZGE as a base for a audio visualiser took form. The benefits would be:
  • ZGE has thousands of development hours already invested in it
  • since it is open source and actively developed future improvements in ZGE will benefit the visualiser too
  • it is Delphi-based like the rest of FL-Studio
  • the scripting model makes it easy to store effects in separate files and let users develop their own effects using the standard ZGE development tool (www.zgameeditor.org) with its existing documentation
FL-Studio has a plugin-model to let developers write DLL-files that can process audio data from the mixer. I realized that we could use this feature to build a DLL that includes the ZGE-engine and let ZGE-applications (zgeproj-files) work on the audio data to display graphics that reacts on the music.

I made a proof-of-concept DLL that made audiodata from FL-Studio available to ZGE-scripting and when I got that working I asked Jph for help with making some content. He liked the idea and quickly made a bunch of scripts.

Now a couple of months later we have a beta version ready. Continue reading to learn how you can try it out and help, and possibly earn some money too!

Please note that this is non-public beta software owned by Image-Line so do not discuss this with people outside of this forum until Image-Line makes a public announcement. This part of the ZGE-forum is visible to forum-members only.

Image-Line wants to have impressive effects that can compete with the high standards of other visualisers out there (milkdrop, itunes etc). For this we need the sharpest ZGE-developers :). The goal of the ZgeViz forum is to get more developers involved in beta testing, discuss ideas, and create new effects. Note that Image-Line will pay for effects that they find impressive enough to include in the product.

Download and installation instructions.

For technical information on how to write your own effects see this separate thread.
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