StarBorn - now an scr,. may become a game..,

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StarBorn - now an scr,. may become a game..,

Post by jph_wacheski »

I was thinking about ways to do direct object movements with splines when I happend on this simple but interesting movement scheme,. so I messed about with it, and got to this screensaver.
It is sort of a take on the 3d star flows of old,. but I think this has more depth and rhythm. I added some subtle color randomness,. and started on an idea to build a game into it,. but that will come later,. if I can find something I like.. this reminded me of a game I did some years ago,. [ ] the second game in there. So perhaps i will go from that, and sample that music as well. as i always did liked that track.

till then., enjoy the screensaver.
.scr file
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Post by jph_wacheski »

I did a little update,. get it from here; ... t.StarBorn

I was over drawing the particles unintentionally,. so this is more optiomized,. as well, I added some pan and tilt to the camera,. and the timing of all the star spawners is synchronized now as it should be.

I am still thinking this will work into a game,. or it has at least inspired some ideas for one,. the eventual game may look very diffferent,. but just watching this gives me ideas,. is odd how inspitation from one thing works into the next eh,. .
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Re: StarBorn - now an scr,. may become a game..,

Post by cynex »

Nicely done on this one, I've always loved particle fountains. The second link goes to a 404 fyi.
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