unsigned apk

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farhad abedini
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unsigned apk

Post by farhad abedini »

I made a key and put it in the Android settings, but the output of the file is unsigned.apk, what is the reason?
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Re: unsigned apk

Post by VilleK »


It's been a long time since I tried signing a apk. Can you please give some more details of what is happening?

@Ats: Do you sign your apk-files this way?
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Re: unsigned apk

Post by Ats »

Hi farhad,

You need to generate the android.keystore file:
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/399 ... a-keystore

And put it somewhere (ex: C:/keystore/android.keystore)

Now, in your ZGE project android folder that was generated when you export to Android, you need to create, (or edit?) ant.properties file

Code: Select all

And in ZGE settings, in the Android tab:
You have to set the paths to your sdk and ant and keystore. In my case:

Android SDK Path: C:\Android\android-sdk-windows
Apache Ant Path: C:\Android\apache-ant-1.10.3
Keystore file: C:/keystore/android.keystore
Keystore Alias: YourAlias

Maybe generating the signed apk will ask you the key.store.password during compilation. After that, check your ant.properties to see if it wasn't erased, because maybe it will be erased, so keep a copy somewhere safe... I remember it was a pain to set up with a lot of try and repeat, but it should work in the end.
Once your project is set up correctly, save it somewhere safe, in case you need to do that again in the future :wink:
farhad abedini
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Re: unsigned apk

Post by farhad abedini »

Thank you very much for your answer, but the problem is not solved and the content of Ant file will be deleted
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Re: unsigned apk

Post by Ats »

Generate the android apk. This will generate the folder (example: com.txori.omeganaut )
Inside that folder, edit ant.properties (example: com.txori.omeganaut/ant.properties )
Never delete that folder.
Then generate android apk again. ant.properties shouldn't be deleted.

I have verified again, it works.
If that's not the case, let's be creative and prevent writing on file ant.properties after your modification :lol:
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