To answer your question, I was defining glFogfv(GL_FOG_COLOR, fogcolor);
inside the Opengl32 library. It was giving me an Invalid primary error message,
however when I imported the built in Opengl library as you suggested, and then defined the function it worked.
Turns out I was using a depreciated version of Opengl, whoops

anyway problem solved.
Thanks heaps for the speedy response, I will be sure to post games here when I finish them
Actually I have a follow up, basic question to ask; how exactly does the function GL_FOG_COLOR get called in order to change the color?
I perhaps hastily posted my reply, assuming I would figure it out quickly, but after trying (what I would imagine) all the most obvious
ways of calling this, I thought I would ask.
I assume it must have a structure like: fogcolor(1,0,1,1);
placed in on, on update or on render or is this only called once, such as at the beginning of an appstate?