Rpg style text display

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Rpg style text display

Post by jinxtengu »

So basically I wanted to incorporate some rpg elements into a game that im working on with z game editor, and so
I need to build a text dialogue box that displays the letters of a dialogue, letter by letter, as in the style of alot of old rpgs and nes games
for example :Image

I guess to do this, it would involve some kind of loop,
that updates the letter position.

I know it's technically kinda simple, buuut
If someone could post an example, that would be really awesome!!!

does anyone know a simple way to reproduce this effect? :)
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Re: Rpg style text display

Post by Kjell »

Hi jinxtengu,

The animated text effect itself is super easy, but depending on what "features" are needed for the cut-scenes that drive the text animation your implementation might vary quite a bit. Anyway, below is a simple example ( press spacebar to continue ).

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>
<ZApplication Name="App" Caption="Phantasy Star" Camera="Camera" ViewportRatio="2" FileVersion="2">
    <FileAction File="TextFile"/>

RenderText.Text = "";

TextIndex = 0;
TextState = 0;
TextTimer = 0;


PageIndex = 0;
RenderImage.TileIndex = 0;]]>
    <Group Comment="Input">

Key[1] = Key[0];
Key[0] = 0;]]>
        <KeyPress Keys=" ">


Key[2] = Key[0] && !Key[1];]]>
    <ZExpression Comment="Text">
<![CDATA[// If text is done animating & space-bar is pressed go to next page

if(Key[2] && TextState && (TextIndex < Text.SizeDim1))
  TextState = 0; // Set text-state to "not finished animating"
  RenderText.Text = ""; // Clear text on screen
  PageIndex++; // Increment page index

// Animate text

if(TextState == 0)
  TextTimer += 60*App.DeltaTime; // Timer runs at 60 units per second

  while(TextIndex < TextTimer) // Catch up with the timer
    int c = Text[TextIndex++];

    if(c == 0xA) // When (CR)LF is found, check for sequential CRLF
      c = Text[TextIndex++];

      if(c == 0xD) // Sequential CRLF found, animation is done
        TextState = 1;

    if(c == 0xD)RenderText.Text += "\n"; // Phantasy Star uses double line breaks, so insert a extra break

    RenderText.Text += chr(c); // Add character to RenderText

// Update image based on page

  case 0: RenderImage.TileIndex = 0; break;
  case 2: RenderImage.TileIndex = 1; break;
  case 6: RenderImage.TileIndex = 2; break;
    <UseMaterial Material="FrameMaterial"/>
    <RenderMesh Mesh="FrameMesh"/>
    <UseMaterial Material="FontMaterial"/>
    <RenderText Name="RenderText" X="6" Y="6.5" Scale="10" Align="1" UseModelSpace="255"/>
    <RenderTransformGroup Scale="0.5 0.5 1" Translate="6 21 0">
        <RenderTile Name="RenderImage" TileSet="ImageTileSet"/>
    <Group Comment="Input">
        <Array Name="Key" Type="4" SizeDim1="3"/>
    <Group Comment="Font">
        <Font Name="Font" Bitmap="FontBitmap" FirstChar="32" CharPixelWidth="8" CharPixelHeight="8"/>
        <Bitmap Name="FontBitmap" Width="512" Height="8" Filter="1">
            <BitmapFromFile DataWidth="512" DataHeight="8">
        <Material Name="FontMaterial" Shading="1" Light="0" ZBuffer="0" Font="Font"/>
    <Group Comment="Frame">
        <Mesh Name="FrameMesh">
            <MeshBox Scale="11 7 1" Grid2DOnly="255"/>
            <MeshTransform Position="16 15 0"/>
        <Bitmap Name="FrameBitmap" Width="176" Height="112" Filter="1">
            <BitmapFromFile DataWidth="176" DataHeight="112">
        <Material Name="FrameMaterial" Shading="1" Light="0" ZBuffer="0">
            <MaterialTexture Texture="FrameBitmap" TextureWrapMode="2" TexCoords="1"/>
    <Group Comment="Page">
        <Bitmap Name="ImageBitmap" Width="40" Height="72" Filter="1">
            <BitmapFromFile DataWidth="40" DataHeight="72">
        <TileSet Name="ImageTileSet" Bitmap="ImageBitmap" TileWidth="40" TileHeight="24"/>
        <Variable Name="PageIndex" Type="1"/>
    <Group Comment="Text">
        <Array Name="Text" Type="4" SizeDim1="487"/>
        <Variable Name="TextIndex" Type="1"/>
        <Variable Name="TextState" Type="4"/>
        <Variable Name="TextTimer"/>
        <File Name="TextFile" TargetArray="Text">
    <Camera Name="Camera" Kind="1" Position="16 12 1" OrthoZoom="12"/>
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Re: Rpg style text display

Post by jinxtengu »

Thanks alot Kjell. Your truly a legend :D
Hey I was looking at the code you posted and I was wondering a few things.
with this bit:

if(c == 0xD) // Sequential CRLF found, animation is done
what does "0xD" denote?

also what does CRLF stand for?

also with Text[TextIndex++];

could you explain what TextIndex++ denotes, and why the double plus signs?

Sorry for all these stupid questions. I really want to improve my coding ability so I can make better games.
I've nearly finished my first game with z game editor. I will be sure to post it here when it's done (and give credit for the code assistance)
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Re: Rpg style text display

Post by Kjell »

Hi jinxtengu,
jinxtengu wrote: Sun Oct 02, 2022 12:37 pmwhat does "0xD" denote?
When you press Enter ( for a newline ) in Notepad ( on Windows ) it inserts the following two bytes:

Code: Select all

0x0D = 13 = CR = Carriage Return
0x0A = 10 = LF = Line Feed

So basically the code is looking for two consecutive newlines to detect the end of a "page".
jinxtengu wrote: Sun Oct 02, 2022 12:37 pmcould you explain what TextIndex++ denotes, and why the double plus signs?
The following line:

Code: Select all

int c = Text[TextIndex++];
.. is basically the same as:

Code: Select all

int c = Text[TextIndex];
TextIndex = TextIndex+1;
.. just shorter & (slightly) faster. You can read more about Increment & decrement operators here.

Posts: 122
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Re: Rpg style text display

Post by jinxtengu »

much appreciated. Thanks KJell :D
I may have some further questions about this but not today.
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