Questions about ES2/GL3 shaders
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Re: Questions about ES2/GL3 shaders
Yeah, I saw you complain here and there regarding matrix and shaders already.
Thanks for your example. So I played a bit with it in order to comprehend how it's working. I guess I need to do the same on all three axes, right? But I'm struggling with the Z axis rotation. Then I searched through the forum for other Matrix examples, then I discovered that one could "add from library" by right-clicking the Project Tree in ZGE. That's a neat but really hidden feature...
So now I'm playing with the Matrix Library, trying to get the correct rotation on all three axes from that.
Re: Questions about ES2/GL3 shaders
I managed to get a correct rotation transformation on all three axes with the Matrix Library. I had to multiply the matrices in a certain order (I'm discovering matrices here).
Now I'm going to try with what Kjell sent me
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>
<ZApplication Name="App" Caption="ZGameEditor application" ClearColor="0.5 0.5 0.5 1" CameraPosition="-7.2006 2 3.4859" CameraRotation="0 1.1782 0" RenderOrder="1" FileVersion="2">
<ZLibrary Comment="Matrix Library">
<![CDATA[// Returns a identity matrix.
mat4 matrixIdentity()
mat4 m;
m[0,0] = 1;
m[1,1] = 1;
m[2,2] = 1;
m[3,3] = 1;
return m;
// Returns a translation matrix.
mat4 matrixFromTranslation(vec3 translation)
mat4 m;
m[0,0] = 1;
m[1,1] = 1;
m[2,2] = 1;
m[3,3] = 1;
m[3,0] = translation.x;
m[3,1] = translation.y;
m[3,2] = translation.z;
return m;
// Returns a scale matrix.
mat4 matrixFromScale(vec3 scale)
mat4 m;
m[0,0] = scale.x;
m[1,1] = scale.y;
m[2,2] = scale.z;
m[3,3] = 1;
return m;
// Returns a x-axis rotation matrix.
mat4 matrixFromRotationX(float angle)
angle *= PI*2;
float s = sin(angle);
float c = cos(angle);
mat4 m;
m[1,1] = c; m[2,1] = 0-s;
m[1,2] = s; m[2,2] = c;
m[0,0] = 1;
m[3,3] = 1;
return m;
// Returns a y-axis rotation matrix.
mat4 matrixFromRotationY(float angle)
angle *= PI*2;
float s = sin(angle);
float c = cos(angle);
mat4 m;
m[0,0] = c; m[2,0] = s;
m[0,2] = 0-s; m[2,2] = c;
m[1,1] = 1;
m[3,3] = 1;
return m;
// Returns a z-axis rotation matrix.
mat4 matrixFromRotationZ(float angle)
angle *= PI*2;
float s = sin(angle);
float c = cos(angle);
mat4 m;
m[0,0] = c; m[1,0] = 0-s;
m[0,1] = s; m[1,1] = c;
m[2,2] = 1;
m[3,3] = 1;
return m;
// Returns a euler-angles matrix.
mat4 matrixFromEuler(vec3 rotation)
float sx, cx, sy, cy, sz, cz;
// Would have been nice if you could do "rotation *= PI*2" :-(
rotation.x *= PI*2;
rotation.y *= PI*2;
rotation.z *= PI*2;
sx = sin(rotation.x);
cx = cos(rotation.x);
sy = sin(rotation.y);
cy = cos(rotation.y);
sz = sin(rotation.z);
cz = cos(rotation.z);
mat4 m;
m[0,0] = cy*cz; m[1,0] = sx*cz*sy-cx*sz; m[2,0] = cx*cz*sy+sx*sz;
m[0,1] = cy*sz; m[1,1] = sx*sz*sy+cx*cz; m[2,1] = cx*sz*sy-sx*cz;
m[0,2] = 0-sy; m[1,2] = sx*cy; m[2,2] = cx*cy;
m[3,3] = 1;
return m;
// Returns a axis-angle matrix.
mat4 matrixFromAxisAngle(vec3 axis, float angle)
float s, c, x, y, z, t;
angle *= PI*2;
s = sin(angle);
c = cos(angle);
x = axis.x;
y = axis.y;
z = axis.z;
t = 1-c;
mat4 m;
m[0,0] = t*x*x+c; m[1,0] = t*x*y-s*z; m[2,0] = t*x*z+s*y;
m[0,1] = t*x*y+s*z; m[1,1] = t*y*y+c; m[2,1] = t*y*z-s*x;
m[0,2] = t*x*z-s*y; m[1,2] = t*y*z+s*x; m[2,2] = t*z*z+c;
m[3,3] = 1;
return m;
// Returns a quaternion matrix.
mat4 matrixFromQuaternion(vec4 quaternion)
float x, y, z, w, x2, y2, z2;
x = quaternion.x;
y = quaternion.y;
z = quaternion.z;
w = quaternion.w;
x2 = x+x;
y2 = y+y;
z2 = z+z;
mat4 m;
m[0,0] = 1-(y*y2+z*z2); m[1,0] = x*y2-w*z2; m[2,0] = x*z2+w*y2;
m[0,1] = x*y2-w*z2; m[1,1] = 1-(x*x2+z*z2); m[2,1] = y*z2-w*x2;
m[0,2] = x*z2-w*y2; m[1,2] = y*z2+w*x2; m[2,2] = 1-(x*x2+y*y2);
m[3,3] = 1;
return m;
// Returns a model matrix.
mat4 matrixFromModel(model q)
// Would have been nice if you could do "mat4 m = matrixFromEuler(q.rotation)" :-(
vec3 rotation = vector3(q.rotation.x, q.rotation.y, q.rotation.z);
mat4 m = matrixFromEuler(rotation);
m[3,0] = q.position.x;
m[3,1] = q.position.y;
m[3,2] = q.position.z;
for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
m[0,i] *= q.scale.x;
m[1,i] *= q.scale.y;
m[2,i] *= q.scale.z;
return m;
<SpawnModel Model="Box"/>
<![CDATA[// Get the current modelViewMatrix ( which contains the viewMatrix at this point )
getMatrix(0, ViewMatrix);]]>
<Variable Name="ViewMatrix" Type="5"/>
<Model Name="Box">
<![CDATA[// Animate the box
Box.Position.Y = abs(sin(App.Time))*2.5+1;
Box.Position.X = sin(App.Time)*2;
Box.Position.Z = cos(App.Time)*2;
Box.Rotation.X = App.Time/PI;
Box.Rotation.Y = App.Time/PI;
Box.Rotation.Z = App.Time/PI;]]>
<UseMaterial Material="BoxMaterial"/>
<RenderMesh Mesh="BoxMesh"/>
mat4 mt = matrixFromTranslation(vector3(CurrentModel.Position.X, 0, CurrentModel.Position.Z));
mat4 ms = matrixFromScale(vector3(1,0,1));
mat4 mx = matrixFromRotationX(CurrentModel.Rotation.X);
mat4 my = matrixFromRotationY(CurrentModel.Rotation.Y);
mat4 mz = matrixFromRotationZ(CurrentModel.Rotation.Z);
setMatrix(0, ViewMatrix * mt * ms * mz * my * mx);]]>
<RenderMesh Mesh="BoxMesh"/>
<Mesh Name="BoxMesh">
<MeshBox Scale="2 0.1 0.1"/>
<MeshBox Scale="0.4 1.5 0.4"/>
<Material Name="BoxMaterial" Shading="2" Light="0"/>