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[FIXED] App.ScreenMode Use DesktopResolution only works on Windows

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2021 9:45 am
by Ats
Here's the little ZGE project to test it:

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>
<ZApplication Name="App" Caption="test_viewport" FullScreen="255" ScreenMode="0" MouseVisible="255" FileVersion="2" AndroidPackageName="com.txori.test_viewport" AndroidPortrait="1">
    <ZExternalLibrary ModuleName="opengl32">

  this.ModuleName = "";
else if(LINUX)
  this.ModuleName = "";
  this.ModuleName = "opengl32";
const int GL_VIEWPORT = 0x0BA2;
void glGetIntegerv(int pname, xptr params){}]]>
glGetIntegerv(0x0BA2, Viewport);
    <UseMaterial Material="DigitsMaterial"/>
    <RenderText Scale="0.5">
intToStr(Viewport[2])+" "+intToStr(Viewport[3]);]]>
    <Array Name="Viewport" Type="1" SizeDim1="4"/>
    <Bitmap Name="DigitsBitmap" Width="128" Height="16">
        <BitmapFromFile Comment="Imported from Digits.bmp" Transparency="1" DataWidth="128" DataHeight="16">
    <Font Name="DigitsFont" Bitmap="DigitsBitmap" FirstChar="48" CharPixelWidth="12" CharPixelHeight="16"/>
    <Material Name="DigitsMaterial" Light="0" Blend="2" Font="DigitsFont"/>
If I set App.ScreenMode to "Use Desktop Resolution", it works on Windows.

But the result on Android is 0 0. Landscape and Portrait.

And on Linux, 800 600.
Other App.ScreenMode are working on Linux.

Re: App.ScreenMode Use DesktopResolution only works on Windows

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2021 10:51 am
by Ats
As Kjell told me, it's not a bug, but a missing feature :wink:

Code: Select all

  if Width=-1 then
    //Todo: support "current desktop resolution" on sdl
    Width := 800;
    Height := 600;
After a few readings regarding the detection of screen size on several different devices using SDL2, it appears the best one is:

SDL_DisplayMode display;
SDL_GetCurrentDisplayMode(0, &display);
Width = display.w;
Height = display.h;

But I think needs to be added to
I've tried some things without success, I'm curious to see how it is done :wink:

Re: App.ScreenMode Use DesktopResolution only works on Windows

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 8:37 am
by VilleK
Does this help? It compiles here but does not seem to return actual desktop resolution on Windows.

Code: Select all

  display : TSDL_DisplayMode;

Code: Select all

  if Width=-1 then
    Width := display.w;
    Height := display.h;

Re: App.ScreenMode Use DesktopResolution only works on Windows

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 9:04 am
by Ats
Oh, I didn't see it was already in because I was searching for the whole exact word. So T and P nomenclature stands for get and set?

ZDesigner compiles without problems on Windows, but on Linux I get:,41) Error: Incompatible type for arg no. 2: Got "TSDL_DisplayMode", expected "PSDL_DisplayMode",47) Error: Can't evaluate constant expression

I tried renaming the var to PSDL_DisplayMode. It compiles on Windows and Player_linux.bin, but then on Linux, ZGE apps gives:
An unhandled exception occurred at $0000000000416B0A:
EAccessViolation: Access violation

By the way, I put var display on line 25:

Code: Select all

  //Current mouse pos, written to in eventhandling
  SdlMousePos : TZPointi;
  Keys : array[0..511] of boolean;
  KeyMap : array[AnsiChar] of integer;
  gZApp: TZApplication;
  display : TSDL_DisplayMode;

Re: App.ScreenMode Use DesktopResolution only works on Windows

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 9:44 am
by VilleK
You can declare display as a local variable in that function. It should be of type "TSDL_DisplayMode" then it is important to prefix it with "@" in the call to SDL_GetDesktopDisplayMode (this takes the address of the variable, creating a pointer).


Please double check that you've done this.

Re: App.ScreenMode Use DesktopResolution only works on Windows

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 10:30 am
by Ats
Sorry, I had a remnant of test I added in ZApplication.pas yesterday.
So now it's working perfectly on Linux, but not on Android.

I already tried to remove that entire block from ZApplication.pas:

Code: Select all

{$ifndef android}
 if((CustomScreenWidth > 0) and (CustomScreenHeight > 0)) then
   ScreenWidth := Self.CustomScreenWidth;
   ScreenHeight := Self.CustomScreenHeight;
   I := Ord(Self.ScreenMode);
   ScreenWidth := ScreenModes[ I ].W;
   ScreenHeight := ScreenModes[ I ].H;
I also tried replacing SDL_GetDesktopDisplayMode per SDL_GetCurrentDisplayMode

Re: App.ScreenMode Use DesktopResolution only works on Windows

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 11:09 am
by VilleK
Perhaps on Android it is too early to get Viewport size in OnLoaded? Try in OnUpdate or OnRender instead.

What are your end goals here, do you need a technique to find the current resolution?

Re: App.ScreenMode Use DesktopResolution only works on Windows

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 1:12 pm
by Ats
You're right. Get Viewport size works on OnUpdate on Android :D
I need that to resize the background correctly, to optimize the deletion of objects out of the camera and to place virtual gamepad correctly on the screen. I'll initialize the screen size on the OnStart of the first state loaded. So it's working with that:

Code: Select all

  if Width=-1 then
    var display : TSDL_DisplayMode;
    Width := display.w;
    Height := display.h;