TextDraw with invisible Background?

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TextDraw with invisible Background?

Post by boldenon »

Hello everyone.
I have a question about the plugin textdraw .... Is it possible to make this with an invisible background ???
I've seen that there is also the plugin Video Alpha Key, but I do not know if it could work with it?
Should it be possible to create a lettering with this glitch effect without background, I would be very grateful for help :-)

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Re: TextDraw with invisible Background?

Post by VilleK »

Hi, not sure how you mean? The text is painted onto the background, like shown in this image:
Skärmavbild 2018-06-06 kl. 13.42.47.png
Skärmavbild 2018-06-06 kl. 13.42.47.png (136.16 KiB) Viewed 26666 times
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Re: TextDraw with invisible Background?

Post by boldenon »

Hello and thank you for an answer. I would like to have the text freestanding so that I could have a video in the background which would not be covered by the standard black. So in your example without the green. So the text with the glitch effect alone.
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Re: TextDraw with invisible Background?

Post by VilleK »

In the example I used the first layer with SolidColor effect to show that the text is printed on top of the background. I could have used an Image layer instead with a video playing and the text would show on top of it instead of the green. Perhaps if you post a screenshot of how it looks for you?
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Re: TextDraw with invisible Background?

Post by boldenon »

Ok I would give it a try and it may be that I needed some help, because I do not know that with the "release". So I know it on a green screen, but not here. If I would now export the whole as a video, I would now have a black background. I just want the lettering as a video and this later elsewhere on my video.
Desktop Screenshot 2018.06.06 -
Desktop Screenshot 2018.06.06 - (148.88 KiB) Viewed 26659 times
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Re: TextDraw with invisible Background?

Post by VilleK »

So you want to export the text only and then combine it in some other tool on top of a video?

Do you know you can import video in ZGE and use it as a background directly? So you could have layer A as a Image effect with the IMG SRC set to your video. Add the video "Add content" tab, with the add video button. Then use layer B as your textdraw effect. Now the text will show on top of your video.
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Re: TextDraw with invisible Background?

Post by boldenon »

Hello and thanks again for your help and time.
Correct. So I actually need it outside of CGU. I want to put the text over another video, also e.g. with live videos.
I've tried your tip with the solid color and green as background (for chromakey), but unfortunately that affects too much the glitch effect and its RGB colors.
I once added a screenshot, I do not know how it regulates the program but it recognizes immediately a video background and the text is practically free, so that he can stand over the video without own background ..... logically , But if you have the text alone, it has a solid background ....
Desktop Screenshot 2018.06.07 -
Desktop Screenshot 2018.06.07 - (667.57 KiB) Viewed 26642 times
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Re: TextDraw with invisible Background?

Post by VilleK »

ZGE cannot export a video with transparency information.

However there are many ways of using video inside ZGE itself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yb9VAp5-fQ8
You can even use live video from a webcam.
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Re: TextDraw with invisible Background?

Post by boldenon »

Hello. Thank you for your effort. Yes you already told me that I can embed a video to Fruity, but I would need it the other way around :-).
It could have been that you can either embed a picture as a background which is a kind of Makse with transparent background?
I do not know myself because unfortunately :-(.

I'll try to contact the programmer of Textdraw and if I have results, I will post them to others as well. :-)
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