So... I'd find it useful if the "StartAnimator" would evolve into something like an "AnimatorController" with options for Start / Stop / Pause / Reset. For example if I wanted to have an Animator work only under certain circumstances, I'd wrap it in a Condition, like this (maybe there's a better way to go about it?):
Code: Select all
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>
<ZApplication Name="App" Caption="ZGameEditor application" ClearColor="0.7509 0.9651 0.6902 0" FrameRateStyle="2" FixedFrameRate="30" NoSound="1">
<ZExpression Expression="TransformerOperator.AutoStart = 0;"/>
<KeyPress Keys=" " RepeatDelay="0.1">
//TransformerOperator.AutoStart = abs(TransformerOperator.AutoStart-1);
TransformerOperator.AutoStart = TransformerOperator.AutoStart ? 0 : 1;
//This is just to visually confirm
//something's happening
App.ClearColor.G = 0.5+rnd()/2f;
App.ClearColor.B = 0.5+rnd()/2f;]]>
<Condition Expression="return TransformerOperator.AutoStart;">
<AnimatorSimple Name="TransformerOperator" Duration="0.25" Target="App.ClearColor.R" AutoReverse="255" RepeatCount="-1" ToValue="1"/>
but this looks a bit "noisy" to me - the whole Condition component could be cut out from the Project Tree if instead of a ZExpression I could just set a "Pause" on or off under KeyPress / OnPressed.
Admittedly it works even as is, but it'd be clearer to work with if StartAnimator had these options.