I haven't looked a the source code that implements the x86 Linux ZGE engine but though I'd ask instead. Would it be possible to get a version that can run these nice stuff on a Raspberry PI runing Linux? Or maybe even native booting directly from SD-Card?

I've bought a RPI some months ago to fiddle with and it's just a great inexpensive little platform.
Some stuff that I've got working is playing MAME emulator games using PS3-controller via Bluetooth.
The RPI consists of a 700Mhz ARM (overclockable to 1Ghz) and a quite capable Open GL ES compatible graphics core. Runs among other things Raspian (Linux Debian port) just fine and of course a very nice XBMC port showing 1080p movies no sweat.
With the port for Android using open GL ES and the x86 Linux port already there...
Best regards