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by Kjell
Tue Apr 30, 2024 9:00 am
Forum: Feature requests
Topic: Triple mouse-click to select entire line of text
Replies: 4
Views: 40

Re: Triple mouse-click to select entire line of text

Hi guys,

It might be easier to see how TSynEdit-2 has implemented triple-click and only add that .. instead of swapping to the entire fork.

by Kjell
Mon Apr 29, 2024 9:30 pm
Forum: Feature requests
Topic: Triple mouse-click to select entire line of text
Replies: 4
Views: 40

Re: Triple mouse-click to select entire line of text

Hi Ats, Is it possible to add a triple-click to select an entire paragraph? The regular TSynEdit control doesn't support this ( which is what ZGameEditor uses ) .. but apparently it was added to TSynEdit-2 in 2020. Article:
by Kjell
Wed Apr 24, 2024 11:14 am
Forum: General discussion
Topic: Glow shader ES2/GL3
Replies: 1
Views: 76

Re: Glow shader ES2/GL3

Hi Ats, It doesn't glow outside the mesh. Is that a restriction due to me not using a texture, or is there something else that I don't understand in the logic? It doesn't have anything to do with whether you're using vertex-colors or a texture or not. A fragment shader will only process the pixels t...
by Kjell
Sat Apr 20, 2024 7:00 am
Forum: Bug reports
Topic: Flickering issues in release mode
Replies: 12
Views: 242

Re: Flickering issues in release mode

Hi Ats, I always wondered why the planets with rings had severe z-order problems (but not on NVIDIA video cards). It's not really NVIDIA related / exclusive. When ZGE ( or a standalone made with ZGE ) boots it requests a pixel format for the OpenGL context from the OS. This is only a request though,...
by Kjell
Fri Apr 19, 2024 4:38 pm
Forum: Bug reports
Topic: Flickering issues in release mode
Replies: 12
Views: 242

Re: Flickering issues in release mode

Hi Ats, I'm not sure if a 16-bit buffer is outdated, but if it dates back to 2001, there probably aren't many devices still working to use it. Perhaps an option to choose between 16 and 24 would be helpful? Same as legacy and ES2/GL3. I don't know. It's outdated yes. The RIVA TNT from 1998 already s...
by Kjell
Fri Apr 19, 2024 2:41 pm
Forum: Bug reports
Topic: Flickering issues in release mode
Replies: 12
Views: 242

Re: Flickering issues in release mode

... @Kjell do you have an idea? Maybe the preview is using a depth buffer that is configured differently. I had no idea ZGE was (still) requesting a 16-bit depth buffer :shock: Anyway, the editor gets a 24-bit depth buffer for some reason, while standalones do get a 16-bit depth buffer ( on some sys...
by Kjell
Thu Apr 18, 2024 5:09 pm
Forum: General discussion
Topic: How to retrieve screen resolution inside a shader?
Replies: 4
Views: 92

Re: How to retrieve screen resolution inside a shader?

Hi Ats, I'm writing a diffuse + dithering shader (I think I do), with a pixel density that stays the same regardless of the game resolution You could use gl_FragCoord for that. Here's a super-basic example .. "dithering" happens at pixel size of 4x4 pixels regardless of the viewport size (...
by Kjell
Thu Apr 18, 2024 3:19 pm
Forum: General discussion
Topic: How to retrieve screen resolution inside a shader?
Replies: 4
Views: 92

Re: How to retrieve screen resolution inside a shader?

Hi Ats, I'm trying to retrieve the screen resolution inside a shader What do you need the screen resolution for in your shader? If it's just to calculate "ditherScale", then simply calculate that value in a ZExpression instead and pass the result as a ShaderVariable. But it's easier to giv...
by Kjell
Wed Apr 17, 2024 7:44 pm
Forum: Feature requests
Topic: Change clipfar of mesh preview
Replies: 2
Views: 118

Re: Change clipfar of mesh preview

Hmm, @Ville: Maybe instead of just translating the preview ( of MeshEditFrame ) based on Mesh.BoundSphere, the (model)view matrix could also be scaled ( using BoundSphere.Radius ) so that the mesh fits in view by default? That way you don't have to fiddle with the clipping range / projection matrix. K
by Kjell
Sun Nov 19, 2023 6:16 pm
Forum: General discussion
Topic: How to use the program including DLL on Android?
Replies: 2
Views: 29680

Re: How to use the program including DLL on Android?

Hi, I run a program on Windows using DLL, but when I compile it to Android, it doesn't run on Android, what should I do? A DLL file is very similar to a EXE file and is therefore platform-specific and will only work on Windows. Android has a similar shared library concept though, using the SO extens...
by Kjell
Sun Oct 22, 2023 11:11 am
Forum: Your projects
Topic: Simplest FPS, escape from island game.
Replies: 7
Views: 40028

Re: Simplest FPS, escape from island game.

Hi zakkwylde, Sorry to bring up such an old post but i realized that the shot models in your FPS engine does not follow the crosshairs at extreme angles (i.e. vertically up and down). Would you know the fix for these? In order to fix jph's "basic_FP_engine_001.zgeproj" project, change the ...
by Kjell
Mon Oct 09, 2023 9:43 am
Forum: General discussion
Topic: A way to set GL fog color?
Replies: 4
Views: 29793

Re: A way to set GL fog color?

Hi jinxtengu, Below is a simple example ( containing 8 white boxes and a animated camera ) that enables blue exponential fog with a density of 0.05: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?> <ZApplication Name="App" Caption="ZGameEditor application" FileVer...
by Kjell
Fri Oct 06, 2023 9:34 am
Forum: General discussion
Topic: ZGEBullet Collision Shape Viewer / Editor
Replies: 14
Views: 95044

Re: ZGEBullet Collision Shape Viewer / Editor

Hi Ats, Contrary to the zbtCreateTriangleMeshShape function, I don't get the points array. Should they be stored in a certain order? Nope .. the points don't have to be in a certain order. As quoted from the Panda3D documentation: A good analogy for a convex hull is an elastic membrane or balloon un...
by Kjell
Thu Oct 05, 2023 10:26 am
Forum: General discussion
Topic: ZGEBullet Collision Shape Viewer / Editor
Replies: 14
Views: 95044

Re: ZGEBullet Collision Shape Viewer / Editor

Hi Ats, Just to be sure, what float* triangles array would look in ZGE for a single triangle, something like this? Yup .. the btTriangleMesh(false, false) call gives you a mesh with 3-components ( XYZ ) per vertex using 16-bit indices ( so no more than 65536 vertices total ). Then the addTriangle ca...
by Kjell
Mon Sep 11, 2023 8:20 pm
Forum: General discussion
Topic: CollisionBounds fourth value?
Replies: 3
Views: 22881

Re: CollisionBounds fourth value?

Hi Ats, There is a fourth value that can be set for CollisionBounds, besides X,Y and Z. So what is it? It's ( currently ) not used by any of the collision styles. How to set/get it by code? Both XYZW and RGBA can be used with any 4D vector. So in order to access the 4th component of CollisionBounds ...